If you have been participating in Mind-Bending Monday, you know our past puzzles have been original puzzles.  This week, we are beginning something new!  In the next few episodes, we discuss how to help students develop strategies to solve classic puzzles!  These puzzles have been shared often and in different formats; none of them are original.  I would love to be able to credit the source of the puzzles, but it is unknown.  I do share at least one source, but it might not be the original.  It is not my intent not to give credit.  People have been solving these puzzles for years!

If they are not new or original, why are we using them for Mind-Bending Mondays?  The reason they are classics is the same reason we want to introduce them to students!  They are engaging and challenging!  The challenge is how to support students without telling them the solution!  When we question students so they develop strategies, it also helps them develop higher-order thinking skills!  What could be better?

Download the link to Google slides so you can use these immediately!

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