This Week’s Video: ====================================================================

Venn diagram puzzles are engaging and fun for students, and they are a great way to improve critical thinking skills!  John Venn was a logician and mathematician.   In Episodes 1 and 2, students had an opportunity to discuss and solve a Venn diagram puzzle using attributes.

Each episode is a little different.  The purpose is to continue to address possible misconceptions and introduce new strategies!  We will continue to discuss ways to question students to improve critical thinking skills.  Also, ways to either make this challenge more accessible or more challenging are shared, so you can use with students in grades 3-8!

There are 4 episodes in Analyzing Attributes Using Visual Venn Diagrams, so students have an opportunity to practice this type of thinking!  Stay tuned; in episode 4 we will discuss what you can do next!

Here is a link to the Google Slides!  The link to the PDF of shapes is on the second slide.

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