If you teach math, you love math!  A previous post shares why I love math and want others to love it, too!  But what are your favorite things?

When I left the local school system in June 2020, three of my college friends and I had an outdoor gathering.  They celebrated my change, and wrote a fun song for me to the tune of “My Favorite Things”.  They know me well: time with friends and family, hiking, gardening and visiting gardens, and books.  

As a math coach and math content specialist, I was in many classrooms and knew most of the students.  Groups usually went well, but if there was ever tension, my standard question was “What is more important: people or math?”  Students would cheerfully reply ‘people!’ and we were all reminded that, although it is encouraged to share alternate ideas and challenge assumptions, all ideas should be given and received with respect and grace.

One day, a new student replied, very loudly, that math was more important.  When he realized everyone else had a different answer, he looked confused.  “But you are the math lady,” he said.  

I do love helping others discover and love math.  Even more, I love helping students to develop thinking skills that will help them in all areas of life!   But what is most important is the people themselves.

I just returned from a few days visiting family (outdoor only).  Another family member generously let me stay in their vacation home, so we could all be safe and enjoy time together outdoors.  (The picture is yesterday’s sunrise on my morning beach walk.)  Words can’t really express how wonderful it is to spend time with those you love.  

Now I am back home, outside Atlanta, and thinking about my favorite things.  What are your favorite things?  Even though you may not be able to do them all this year, I hope you are taking time to relax and do some of the things you love.   Today I am visiting a garden with a friend to see their display of Holiday Trees.  What are you doing?  (I’m taking a break from work, too!)

If you are a teacher, you have such an important job!  I am and will be happy to share ideas and materials, like Mind-Bending Mondays, with you.  That time, however, is not now!  

I hope you are taking a well-deserved break and enjoying every moment doing your favorite things!  



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